- Our expertise
- Auditing
Assessment Systems have to constantly live up to changing requirements. How can you check and prove that your Examination and Evaluation Systems still meet these requirements?
How can we help you?
Cito can help you by auditing every conceivable area of your examination process. We have extensive experience in evaluating examination products, examination processes and teaching.
We can check your system’s status by performing a quick scan or a more in-depth audit. Sometimes it’s enough to focus on just a single part of the Examination System to improve it substantially!
In most cases you might need a more thorough check of your examination procedures. For example, we can find out whether you have managed to achieve your Examination Objectives or whether you are using the most effective Test Format.
Or we can evaluate your Test Content and Scoring System. Our job is to find the weakest link in your Educational Measurement System so you can enhance your entire examination procedure.
Our Auditing Methods
Over the years, Cito has worked with a variety of different Auditing Methods in the Netherlands.
They range from specific tests based on Questionnaires to Observation during classroom situations or Examination Board Meetings and interviews with students, teachers and managers.
We know these methods would be highly effective in other learning environments as well and are looking forward to introducing them in other countries.
We welcome the opportunity of working together with you to develop a tailor-made method that suits your particular situation or country.

Our experience
- Cito performed an audit on the Quality of English Teaching in Compulsory Education for the Swedish Inspectorate, 2009-2010.
- In 2013 Cito provided the Colombian Institute for Assessment of Education with Audit of the National Assessment Programme in Basic Education.